Wednesday, February 3, 2010

So whos the judge?

My colleague was asking me the other day why I decided to lock up my facebook pictures. A simple reason because people judge. People L-O-V-E to judge others based on what they see, or what they think they know. I spend 4 hours at xxx place, take 20 pictures which probably make up 2secs x 20 of the 4 hours I spend there. Do you think you really know what happened for the remaining 3 hours 59mins 20secs? NO. Im never one to really blog much about how I feel if you realise because I never saw the need to. Why should I shout out to the entire world, telling them I am ecstatic/emo/suicidal/fucked up/pathetic/lucky? If I feel close enough to you, I will tell you. If not, it probably means you dont know shit and will never know, so dont make assumptions. Stop judging others, because while you're doing so, you never know how the other party is viewing you.

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