Saturday, October 24, 2009


I cant emphasize how awesome my friends are. I fell into uneven ground on the grass of Botanic Gardens and needless to send dislocate my ankle. Its a really painful process getting it back to its original position with me wailing like a baby at the sinsehs and probably grabbing my mother like I've never. My friends went out of the way to help me find a sinseh on a public holiday and send me home and all and I guess its times like these where you find out who your true friends really are. Thank you my dear girls, I love you all :)
My emotions are going on a roller coaster ride these days. Its driving me insane and I swear its no joke. Last night was an awesome testament of my crazy emotions everyone probably thought I was an emo crazy drunk. Might have spoutted rubbish everywhere without realizing what I've said and the accuracy of my statements. God bless my souls that these people will have sucky memories. And for all the irrational actions I did yesterday with the help of alcohol (like dancing), my ankle is now protesting and feeling like a bitch. I cant believe how I actually walked about zouk at godlike speed yesterday as the night progressed but slowly slow down again as my ankle started to feel the after effects of my rash actions. One of the many after effects to deal with after a self created drama night for myself. So with nothing planned for the day, I blocked my mind from any form of thoughts and feelings and curled myself up in bed the whole day reading my book which I proudly finished. If only I could tell myself to be so stonned each day, things might get better.

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